I’m Too Young To Die: The Ultimate Guide to FPS 1992-2002 | Review. Is it Worth Buying?

Are you a fan of retro gaming and first-person shooters? If so, you might be interested in the “I’m Too Young To Die” book by Bitmap Books. We’ve had the chance to check it out, and we have some thoughts to share.

This hardcover book covers the history of first-person shooters from 1992 to 2002, with 424 pages of content. It includes reviews, interviews, and background information on the games and companies that shaped the genre.

We found the book to be well put together, both physically and in terms of content. The chronological approach provides a clear overview of the evolution of the genre, while the interviews and background information add depth and context.

Bottom Line

Overall, we think the I’m Too Young To Die book is a great choice for anyone interested in the history of first-person shooters. The high-quality production and comprehensive content make it a valuable addition to any retro gaming collection. If you’re a fan of the genre, we recommend checking it out.

Overview of ‘I’m Too Young To Die: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992–2002’

For those who have fond memories of classic first-person shooter games, ‘I’m Too Young To Die: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992–2002’ is an excellent retro gaming book by Bitmap Books. The book provides an in-depth, broadly chronological look through the history of the FPS genre, focusing on the most important 20 years. It includes not only reviews of the games with many images but also interviews and background information on the companies and their creation. The material is of high quality, making it a must-have for any retro gamer who enjoys nostalgia. The book is well put together, both physically and in content, and the images are of high quality, although some may be a bit dark. Overall, we highly recommend this book to anyone interested in the history of FPS games.

In-Depth Genre Exploration

As we delved deeper into the pages of “I’m Too Young To Die: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992–2002” by Bitmap Books, we were impressed by the level of detail and insight provided. The book takes us on a journey through the history of the FPS genre, focusing on the most important 20 years.

One thing we appreciated was the inclusion of interviews and background information on the companies and individuals behind the games. This added a new layer of depth to our understanding of the genre and its evolution over time.

While some of the images were a bit dark, overall the book was well put together and of high quality. We particularly recommend it to those who have fond memories of classic FPS games from the good old days.

Overall, “I’m Too Young To Die” is an excellent resource for anyone interested in the history of first-person shooters. It provides a wealth of information and insight, making it a must-have for retro gaming enthusiasts.

Quality and Design of the Hardcover

We were impressed with the quality and design of the hardcover of the “I’m Too Young To Die: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992–2002 | Retro Gaming Book by Bitmap Books”. The hardcover is sturdy and well-made, ensuring that the book will last for years to come. The dimensions of 30.9 x 4.2 x 21.8 cm make it easy to hold and read comfortably. The book’s cover design is eye-catching and perfectly complements the content inside.

While some images are quite dark, the overall print quality is excellent, and the pages are thick and durable. The book’s layout is well-organized, making it easy to navigate and find the information we were looking for. The book’s 424 pages are packed with information and history about beloved FPS games from the good old days, making it a must-have for any retro gaming enthusiast. Overall, we were thoroughly impressed with the quality and design of the hardcover of this book.

Historical Insight and Interviews

We were impressed with the level of detail provided in “I’m Too Young To Die: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992–2002” by Bitmap Books. The book not only features reviews of beloved FPS games from the past, but also includes numerous interviews with developers and publishers, providing valuable insight into the creation and evolution of the genre.

One reviewer noted that the book contains “many interviews and thereby a lot of background information on the companies and the creation” of the games. Another praised the “broadly chronological look through the history of the FPS genre, focusing on the most important 20 year with” and the “incredibly well put together” content.

Overall, we found the historical insight and interviews to be a valuable addition to the book, providing a deeper understanding of the FPS genre and its impact on the gaming industry.

Pros and Cons

When it comes to the Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992–2002 by Bitmap Books, there are certainly both pros and cons to consider before making a purchase. Here’s what we found:


  • Incredibly well put together: The book is of high quality both in terms of its physical appearance and content. It’s clear that a lot of time and effort has been put into creating this nostalgic masterpiece.
  • Broadly chronological look: The book takes a chronological approach to the history of the FPS genre, focusing on the most important 20 years. This makes it easy to follow and understand the evolution of the genre over time.
  • Plenty of background information: In addition to reviews of the games, there are also interviews and other background information about the companies and the creation of the games. This provides a well-rounded view of the industry during the time period covered by the book.
  • Perfect for FPS fans: If you have fond memories of classic FPS games like Half-Life and Quake, this book is a must-have. It’s a great way to relive those memories and learn more about the games and their impact on the industry.


  • Some images are quite dark: While the book is visually stunning overall, some of the images can be quite dark and difficult to see. This can be a bit frustrating, especially when trying to appreciate the details of the games’ graphics.
  • Limited time period coverage: While the book covers an important 20-year period in the history of FPS games, it’s worth noting that it doesn’t cover any games released after 2002. This means that some more recent games and their impact on the genre are not included in the book.

Overall, the Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992–2002 is a fantastic book that any FPS fan should consider adding to their collection. While there are a few minor drawbacks, the quality of the book’s content and production make it well worth the investment.

Customer Reviews

We were pleased to see that the book has received a high rating from customers. Out of 38 ratings, it has an average rating of 4.9 stars. Customers have left positive feedback, praising the book’s content and physical quality. One customer noted that the book is a perfect history of beloved FPS games from the good old days, and recommended it for those with fond memories of Half-Life and Quake. Another customer commented on the book’s high-quality material and how it is a must-have for FPS players who enjoy nostalgia. Some customers also appreciated the interviews and background information included in the book. The only criticism we found was that some images are quite dark, but overall, customers seem to be very satisfied with their purchase.


After spending time with the “I’m Too Young To Die: The Ultimate Guide to First-Person Shooters 1992-2002” book, we can confidently say that it is a must-have for any retro gaming enthusiast. The book is incredibly well put together, both in terms of physical quality and content. It offers a broadly chronological look through the history of the FPS genre, focusing on the most important 20-year period.

One of the standout features of the book is the inclusion of interviews with key players in the industry, providing readers with valuable insights into the development of these classic games. While some images may be a bit dark, the overall quality of the book’s material is excellent.

We highly recommend this book to anyone with fond memories of Half-Life, Quake, and other classic FPS games. It’s a great way to relive the nostalgia of the good old days and gain a deeper appreciation for the evolution of the genre. Find out more by clicking here.

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